Patanjali will now be available in remote villages through CSC dairy cattle feed

Patanjali will now be available in remote villages through CSC dairy cattle feed

31 May, New Delhi : Patanjali Gramodyog (Trust) and an agreement was signed in New Delhi between CSC SPV. According to the agreement, Patanjali's balanced animal feed products, feed supplements and Ayurvedic animal medicines will be made available to every farmer of the country through more than 5.5 lakh centers located in every nook and corner of the country. Mr. Sanjay Rakesh, Managing Director of CSC SPV and Dr. Yashdev Shastri, General Secretary of Patanjali Gramodyog (Trust), Haridwar were present during the program.
Animal husbandry has been the backbone of Indian agriculture. In India, animal husbandry as a subsidiary occupation along with agriculture has been an essential part of the livelihood of villagers and farmers since time immemorial. In rural areas, animal rearing exists as an integral part of agriculture. Proper proportion of essential nutrients-proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, salts, vitamins should be available to the animal through balanced animal diet, which maintains the animal's health, milk production, reproduction etc. In the absence of a balanced animal feed, there is a decrease in animal health and milk production, which has to be borne by the animal herders and farmers Patanjali Dugdhamrit Cattle Feed has been prepared keeping these needs in mind.
Elaborating on the CSC partnership, Mr. Sanjay Rakesh, Managing Director & CEO, CSC SPV, said that CSC has always endeavored to improve the lives of citizens in rural areas through various initiatives. Farmers and agriculture are an integral part of our initiative. Due to the vast network of CSCs present in remote areas of the country, they are already providing various services to the farmers through tele-consultation, crop insurance, e-veterinary, Kisan Credit Card and PM Kisan schemes. After tie-up with Patanjali Gramodyog (Trust), our VLEs will be able to provide balanced animal feed products to the cattle rearers and farmers across the country.
On this occasion, Dr. Yashdev Shastri, General Secretary of Patanjali Gramodyog (Trust) said that urea-free, pure Satvik products of Patanjali are helpful in increasing the production capacity of animals. These products are manufactured as per Indian Standards (BIS). With the help of these products, the income of the cattle rearers of the country will increase and along with the economic progress of the villagers of the country, our resolve to make the country an economic superpower will come true.
After this agreement between CSC and Patanjali Gramodyog, the way for the economic prosperity of the farmers will be paved. While on the one hand employment will be ensured for the youth of the country, on the other hand urea-free diet to the animals and supply of pure milk to the general public will also be ensured. 


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