Yogen Yoge Sampadyate

International Day of Yoga 2023, London, UK

Yogen Yoge Sampadyate

Acharya Balkrishna

Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj gave recognition to Yoga at the global level. The same yoga was recognized as International Yoga Day by an ascetic Yogi Prime Minister by going to the United Nations. More than 170 countries have given acceptance to Yoga and today every year on 21st June the whole world is seen colored in the color of Yoga. Irrespective of the country, whatever the language, whether it is understood or not, but Yoga is understood by everyone.
Recently, on the occasion of International Yoga Day, Bolton, UK. Yoga camp was organized in which thousands of brothers and sisters were present.

Patanjali Yogpeeth conducts free yoga classes all over the world

People say that nothing is available for free in England (UK), but this is our Patanjali's yoga, which is also available here at Patanjali Yogpeeth UK. (Trust) volunteers distribute free of cost. I don't think that except Patanjali's Yoga, anything would be available for free there. It is due to the grace of Pujya Swami ji that more than 400 of our classes are conducted free of cost on weekends. For the last 15-20 years our yoga teachers are continuously conducting free yoga classes.

Faith in Ayurveda Yoga has increased in people since the Corona period -

At the time of covid, when all the health arrangements, the entire medical system, WHO. When he was helpless, the whole world saw the miracle of Yoga-Ayurveda. Those who did not believe in yoga, they also had to believe that if they want life, they have to adopt yoga. Yoga will not do good to yoga, but the one who does yoga will be good. If you want good for yourself, then you have to do yoga. Who is there in the world who does not wish for his own welfare? So include yoga in your daily routine.
Global Acceptance of Yoga
We all are extremely fortunate that we are able to know and understand the method of yoga in the company of Param Pujya Swamiji. Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj gave recognition to Yoga at the global level. The same yoga was recognized as International Yoga Day by an ascetic, Yogi Prime Minister by going to the United Nations. More than 170 countries have given acceptance to Yoga and today on 21st June every year the whole world is seen colored in the color of Yoga. Irrespective of the country, whatever the language, whether it is understood or not, but Yoga is understood by everyone. Of course, you may not know deep things about meditation, rules of yoga, asanas, pratyahara, dharana, meditation, samadhi and yoga, you may not have much deep knowledge about yoga, but everyone knows that a little breathing exercise has to be done.

Yoga is the easiest way, to get happiness, prosperity and progress in life

It is written in the scriptures Yogen Yoge Sampadyate. Its simple meaning is that if you do yoga, then the path of yoga will open through yoga. Today it is not necessary to become a yogi and do yoga. If you do yoga, the yoga done by you will automatically make you a yogi. Many people say that we do not follow many things at all. What do we do? If you start doing yoga, then all things will automatically start getting fixed. We conducted a study of about 1.5 million people in India through the Psycho Somatic Study, in which we studied what changes happen at the physical and mental level by doing yoga. We have seen that by doing yoga there are positive changes in your habits, eating habits, nature at physical, mental and feminine level and you do not even know anything. You become positive towards life, giver of progress, happiness, prosperity and peace.

Yoga is the solution to all the miseries of life

Whether we are in the country or abroad, we belong to any culture or community, we speak any language, but no one wants sorrow in life. We run away from sorrow, but there is sorrow that does not leave us behind. Ten sorrows are borne for two happiness in life. Happiness is not known and sorrows are seen standing in front of you. We feel that if there is a little progress in life, then happiness will come. There was a little happiness, but more sorrows are seen ahead, so what is the way to get rid of it? What is the solution to get rid of this? To avoid it that is the remedy? If there is a way to avoid this in the world, then only yoga is there. We can be saved from sorrow only by taking refuge in yoga. Somewhere in yoga there is a feeling, a feeling of awareness.

The sentiments of sages are contained in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Yoga is the legacy of our sages and sages. You must be following different deities, traditions, different sects or cultures according to the religious beliefs of many people. But yoga is such a tradition that brings us all under one umbrella. Yoga has no religion. We are proud that the founders of Yoga, those who did research on Yoga were all our sages, Maharishi, people of our Sanatan, Vedic tradition. Let us give our participation and contribution to make Yoga accessible to the whole world so that we can work to unite the whole world in one thread. When we talk about globalization, the world also talks about globalization. The sages had said thousands of years ago through Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam that this whole world is one whole family for us. Only sages used to say this; no one in the rest of the world says this. Yoga is a culture in which we pray, in the Hindu, Sanatan, Vedic tradition, for the whole of humanity, not for ourselves personally. We say sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu niramaya, sarve bhadrani pashyantu maa kashchit dukhbhag bhavet. O God, may all who are in the world be happy, may no one be sad. Only Hindu Sanatan culture makes such announcement, no one else does. So you are the conductor of that culture, that tradition, the custodian. You have to carry forward those traditions in the society, in your family. Moving forward, the responsibility of establishing peace in the world is also ours and yours. Because we talk about happiness in the world, then you and I can also do the work of saving the world from unrest.
Always do yoga in life, live with your religious, spiritual beliefs, be happy, be happy, keep smiling. You will be happy and the body will be free from all sorrows. Sorrow will not be able to burst even around us. So all of you are connected with one feeling, the subtle presence of Revered Swamiji and his holy message. Respected Swami ji also has good wishes for you, wishes and this time in India, due to the vision and thoughts of respected Modi ji, as a result of which our culture is reaching the whole world. It is our duty that wherever we are, we must at least do our part. This is our duty. Come on! do yoga. 


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