Health News

Do you also take these medicines

Ban has been imposed on 14 medicines that cure cold, cough, fever

The government has imposed a central ban on 14 drugs after consulting experts. These medicines are medicines to cure cold-cough, phlegm and fever. Know about these medicines-
The Central government has banned 14 certain combination medicines including Nimesulide and Paracetamol tablets and Clopheniramine maleate and codeine syrup, saying there is 'no medical justification' for these drugs and they may pose a 'risk' to people Is. The Union Health Ministry had issued a notification in this regard on Friday. The Union Health Ministry issued a notification to this effect on Friday and said that the banned drugs include medicines to cure common infections like cold, cough, phlegm, fever.

These 14 combination drugs have been banned

The banned drugs also include drugs used to treat common infections, cough and fever, including nimesulide + paracetamol tablets, chlorpheniramine maleate + codeine syrup, pholcodine + promethazine, amoxicillin + Combinations like Bromhexine and Bromhexine + Dextromethorphan + Ammonium Chloride + Menthol, Paracetamol + Bromhexine + Phenylline Chlorpheniramine + Guaifenesin and Salbutamol + Bromhexine Combinations are banned.
The step has been taken following the recommendations of the expert committee. The expert committee stated that there is 'no clinical justification' for this FDC (fixed dose combination) and the FDC may involve a risk to humans, therefore, in larger public interest, under section 26A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940 manufacture, sale or distribution of this FDC under it is necessary to stop.

Now you also buy medicine after seeing the combination.....

For information, let us tell you that on top of every such medicine its formulation i.e. generic name is written. It is clearly told that what is the mixture of the salts of these medicines? In such a situation, while buying the medicine, one must see the combination written above it.
FDC drugs are those which contain a combination of two or more active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in a fixed proportion. In 2016, the government had announced a ban on the manufacture, sale and distribution of 344 drug combinations after an expert panel constituted on the orders of the Supreme Court said they were being sold to patients without scientific data and that The producer's order was challenged in court.
The 14 FDCs currently banned are part of a combination of those 344 drugs.
national/government-banned-14-medicines- that-cure-cold-cough-fever-explained-the- reason-2023-06-04-965645
In the screening of cancer patients, 80% confessed to sleeping with tobacco in their mouth.

Every second patient of mouth-throat cancer addicted to tobacco

Every second patient of throat and lung cancer is a tobacco-mouth cigarette addict. 80 percent of patients are between 35 and 50 years of age. These facts have come to the fore in OPD of KGMU Radiotherapy Department. The report has been prepared on the basis of screening and conversation of cancer patients. According to Dr. MLB Bhatt, former Vice-Chancellor of KGMU and Head of Radiotherapy Department, the number of mouth and cancer patients is increasing rapidly. Various Departments of KGMU alone about 400 to 500 cancer patients are coming to the hospital every day. In these, the number of new cancer patients remains between 100 to 150. 50 to 60 percent of the patients are of the mouth, throat, esophagus and windpipe. The remaining cancers are of other organs.

Cancer patients confessed to consuming eight to 10 pouches of gutkha a day

According to Dr. MLB Bhatt, mouth and throat cancer patients confessed to eating eight to 10 pouches of gutkha in a day. Also talked about consuming cigarettes and alcohol. 80 percent cancer patients told about sleeping at night by pressing tobacco and gutkha in their mouth. He told that by doing this, the harmful substances of tobacco and pan masala reach the whole body with the help of saliva. By doing this for a long time, the risk of cancer increases by two and a half to three times. These major cancers caused by smoking are the main 14 types of cancer caused by smoking and tobacco. In this, there is cancer of other organs including mouth, throat, jaw, lungs, stomach, urine bag, breast, breath and food pipe.
Four thousand deadly chemicals in tobacco KGMU Respiratory Medicine Department Chairman Dr. Suryakant said that tobacco contains more than 4000 deadly chemicals. Of these, 69 chemicals can cause cancer. In the very first puff of a cigarette, nicotine reaches the brain within six seconds. Which can prove fatal for the brain. Within one year of stopping smoking, the risk of heart diseases decreases by 50 percent. The chances of getting lung cancer can be reduced by 50 percent in 10 to 15 years. After quitting smoking, blood circulation starts smoothly in the body. The amount of oxygen in the body becomes good. The chances of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system are also greatly reduced. Fatigue is less. The mind remains happy.

Eighty one percent people want the government to take action

In the survey, 81% people said that the government should stop the production of such products action must be taken to stop it. People told that tobacco products are easily available in their city or district.
Economics of tobacco   
  • There is a business of 20 thousand crores of tobacco in the country 
  •   Annual production of tobacco is 300 million kg in the country
  •   20 lakh people are living from tobacco cultivation
  •   300 crores are spent annually in the country for the treatment of its diseases.
  •   The tobacco control program was implemented in the country in 2007-08.
Tobacco farming made the earth remained barren
  • The theme of WHO this time is we need food, not tobacco
  •  Tobacco is being grown every year on 3.5 million hectares of land worldwide.
  •  According to WHO, two lakh hectares of forests are also cut every year.
  • Growing tobacco requires the use of large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers, which damages the productive capacity of the soil. 
  •  Because tobacco reduces the fertility of the soil 
So deadly
  •  Tobacco is made from 7000 chemicals
  •  Sixty chemicals extremely fatal for cancer and heart diseases
  •  More than 7 million deaths worldwide due to tobacco
  •   Ninety percent of diseases are due to indiscriminate use of tobacco
Hollow heart due to tobacco
   Hookah-pipe, chillum, gul, gutkha, cigarette are binding the youth with 600 types of diseases. 300 crore is being spent in the country for the treatment of tobacco related diseases. Tobacco is the main cause of heart-brain stroke in the age of 20-40.
Courtesy : lucknow/story-every-second-patient-of-mouth-throat- cancer-is-addicted-to-tobacco-8239683.html


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