Life will become heaven only by unbroken devotion, devotion and effort: Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj

Life will become heaven only by unbroken devotion, devotion and effort: Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj

May 27, Bhilwara (Rajasthan) : Yogarishi Param Pujya Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj said in a yoga and meditation camp organized in Bhilwara, Rajasthan that Yoga is a science. Awakens self-consciousness, self-power and self. Yoga is the root of all types of knowledge. We have created a huge awareness of Swadeshi in the country. For this reason, Indian people have considered it more appropriate to buy products made in their country instead of foreign products. We are constantly showing and spreading the importance of Ayurveda in the country. Crores of people are getting healthy through Yoga Pranayama. My dream is to remove poverty from the country. People should increase the economy of the country by adopting Ayurvedic products and Swadeshi. Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj was addressing thousands of people while practicing yoga at the end of the three-day yoga therapy and meditation camp. He said that everyone must compulsorily consume incense every day after sunrise. By doing this for an hour, the deficiency of Vitamin-D will be removed and the body will also become healthy by getting protein and other essential elements. Serve mother cow regularly and make regular use of everything you get from the cow. Include yoga worship in our daily routine. If you do yoga then there will be no place for disease in your life.  Sweat with Yoga, will keep you healthy. Every person should do unbroken meditation, do devotion to God and make effort, life will become heaven by this. He said that we get freedom from many diseases by Yogasana and Pranayama. With Yoga and Ayurveda, we can definitely get rid of diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, obesity, kidney, liver, lungs etc. Respected Acharya Lokesh Muni Ji, Mahavir Chaudhary, Rajendra Kumar Gokhru, Mahavir Bavel, Surendra Surana, Prakash Surana, Mahendrasinh Rathod, Bherulal Jagetia, Praveen Jain, Sampat Chaplot Mumbai, Narayan Ladda, Ashok Kothari, Jagdish Joshi, Renu Jagetia, Rajesh ji etc. remained on stage. Swami Parmarthdev ji, Swami Adityadev, Swami Ritdev, Acharya Dr. Sanjay ji, Swami Vijaydev ji as well as President of Rajasthan Central Province Govind Prasad Sodani, camp secretary Bhupendra Mogra ji, Rajnikant Acharya, Kailash Dad, Vikram Anjana came from Haridwar in the camp. Hundreds of workers including Vinod Bhai were present. 


Society will get right education and direction from Indian Education Board: Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj

Yogarishi Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj said that the society will get the right education and direction from the Board of Education of India. The best students will be prepared by the Board of Education of India, who will increase the pride of Sanatan Dharma. Param Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj, Government of India and Patanjali Yogpeeth, on behalf of the Indian Education Board formed in joint venture, Haridwar, was addressing the meeting regarding the specialties of the Indian Education Board, organized at Maharana Pratap Auditorium, located in the city council. In the meeting, Acting Chairman of the Board of Education, Dr. N. P. Singh ji said that the Board of Education of India will make the children self-reliant and make them stand on their own feet. Although for this we will have to work hard and take time, but we are fully prepared. By making the children of India nationalist and self-reliant, we will take the country towards heights. The Board of Education of India will play an important role in all this. We can bring a big revolution in the country only with a better level of education. Our aim should not be to consider money as paramount or to give priority, it should be our aim to consider and give priority to education. We have to make the country a leader in the matter of education by bringing changes in the system of education till now. India has to be made self-reliant in which the role of teachers will be very important. President of Patanjali Yog Samiti Bhilwara, Govind Prasad Sodani told that Yog Rishi Param Pujya Swamiji Maharaj as well as Sant Mayaram, KC Sodani, Acting President of Indian Education Board Dr. N.P.Singh were on stage in the meeting. The specialities, legalities of the Board of Education of India were discussed in the meeting. Hundreds of school principals, educationists, teachers, interested in education and management members including state in-charges and members from different places participated in the meeting. The program was coordinated by Pujya Swami Parmarthdev ji, the chief central in-charge who came from Haridwar. 


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