The basic mantra of prosperity Indigenization in edible oils

The basic mantra of prosperity Indigenization in edible oils

Pujya Swamiji Maharaj shared the future plans of Patanjali Foods in the field of indigenization in edible oils and seed plantations in a press conference at Padapuram in Andhra Pradesh. He told that the central government is also working on a large scale regarding the indigenization of edible oils. During the press conference, Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj explained the entire working system from palm plantation to oil extraction by crushing its seeds, the complete action plan of Patanjali's cooperation to the farmers in palm plantation and the benefits of palm plantation to the farmer brothers. Told in Mr. Sanjeev Asthana, CEO of Patanjali Foods also informed about the future plans of the company in the programme. We are sharing with you the main points of the press conference-         Co-Editor
   In conversation with press, Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj said that to grow a new palm plant, its seed is first germinated. Then it is sown in a pot and then it grows up and starts giving fruits. Then the oil is extracted by processing the seeds of the palm plant.
Generally, the age of palm tree is 35-40 years. As soon as a tree gets damaged, another plant is planted in its place. Earlier its seed yield was 16 to 18 tonnes per hectare, now it has become 20 to 25 tonnes per hectare. It takes about 4-5 years for a palm plant to mature. The great thing is that till now we were able to connect about 40 thousand farmers with this. In the coming 5-6 years, we aim to connect 4-5 lakh farmers with this. So far we have sold about 1 crore palm plantation has been done, a large part of which is now in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana. Palm plantation has just started in Assam and North-East. Altogether, our palm plantation work is going on in 12 states.
If we talk about palm plantation, then we have prepared about 1 crore plants and in the future there are preparations to increase it to 8 to 10 crores. It will be beneficial in the coming 6 years. While we will be able to connect with about 5 lakh farmers, we have to import palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia worth about Rs 1.5 to 2 lakh. This causes loss of our foreign exchange and also devalues our rupee, which also has a bad effect on our economy. When our imports are high, our exports are low. As our imports increase, so do our country's economy weakens. Economic condition of the country to make self-supporting, self-sufficient in food, food we want to make the country self-sufficient in oil. For this we arw focusing on Palm Plantation in Padapuram, Andhra Pradesh there is a big green region on the earth. Most of the crops here those who are bad in storm, rain, storm, heavy rain and no rain they become once from palm plantation to nursery, secondary taking and when this palm flotation is completed, then there is no effect of storm, rain, storm. The land which is barren, rough and there and the rocky land which is not being used by anyone. Where the farmer used to earn Rs. 10-20 thousand per hectare, he would be able to earn Rs. 2 lakh per hectare. This was a big mission, so today we have come here from Ground Zero and done palm plantation here. Here we have started Palm Plantation Mission Patanjali Food Limited whose upcoming target is huge. 
Patanjali Food Ltd which earlier was called Ruchi Soya now gets investers as well. Investors are also associated with Patanjali Food Limited, which used to be interested earlier, retail is also associated with it. Big foreign investors are also involved in it. We now have two goals – the first goal is that all our retail investors, institutional investors, big funds should benefit and the people of the country should also benefit. Inflation should not increase in the country, but those who are investing together should also get their returns. It gives 15 to 18 percent and sometimes even 20 percent returns. If you average out, you get 17 to 18 percent return. Which is considered the best for any industry. It is a part of FMCG beyond commodity. Because when we go to 10 to 15 percent profitability, we go above our margin, then in on-investment, where farmers get 75 percent profit of this entire plantation, then about 25 percent profit is given to the person who owns this company. are taking forward. Because it takes a lot of hard work. The company also spends during this entire period from primary nursery, secondary nursery to palm plantation. It is a good thing that the eminent Prime Minister of the country Shri Narendra ji has planned a subsidy of about 12 thousand crore rupees in this.
Whenever palm plantation is done, when this tree is ready after plantation, then it has a dry time of at least 4 to 5 years. The farmer can sow greens and vegetables in between them. There can be gourd, tinda, carrot, potato, tomato, but it takes a lot of hard work, so they take advantage of that too. when its when it is the time of dry period, the government has also made a provision for subsidy for the farmer brothers. In this, where the central government gives subsidy, the state government also gives subsidy. It was a huge mission which started from here. In the coming 5 to 7 years, our target is that we can achieve palm plantation of about 2000 crore rupees. Patanjali Foods Limited is also committed to the interests of our investors, retailers, institutions, big funds, those who are legally compliant. Patanjali has a proud past of 30 years. Our track record is that we have run the work in our hands like a movement. Whether it was the work of Yoga, whether it was the work of Ayurveda, whether it was the work of Swadeshi or the prestige of Indian medicine. Today, we are doing palm plantation work in 1.5 lakh acres, we are going to take it up to 20 lakh acres and in 12 states, 8 such states where there is a lot of progress in this, those states are- Telangana, Andhra Pradesh , Assam, 5 North East in which we are taking it forward. And in this about 15 lakh acres of land has been allotted and on top of that the entire primary nursery, secondary nursery means its sprout has to be prepared. Earlier we had to bring these sprouts from outside. Now we are also preparing sprouts here. In the coming 2 years, we need about 10 crore sprouts, which we will prepare here. We have to pay 80 rupees for 1 spud. When we used to bring a seed from Indonesia etc., we had to pay Rs.80. So now we will not allow 800 crores of 10 crores to be taken out. In this, our aim is that the country's money should remain in the country. Engaged in the service of the country, in the prosperity of the country. We will save this about 800 thousand crores from going out of the country. Now we will also prepare sprouts here. In the nursery, there will be primary nursery, secondary nursery and palm plantation in the farmers' fields. This is also a very ambitious plan of Patanjali. In this, we will keep moving forward year after year. Now we have prepared about 1 crore primary nursery and secondary nursery trees. In the future, 10 crore trees will be prepared and by connecting more than 5 lakh farmers, 140 crore people of the country will be provided with all types of edible oil from palm oil to mustard oil, groundnut oil, coconut oil, soyabean oil, sunflower oil etc. Will take and deliver all the food products. Today Patanjali's reach is up to 140 crore Indians. In which 70 to 80 crore people are using regular Patanjali products, be it food products, be it oil, honey, ghee, Medicaid are there juices or non-food products. Today we are proud to say that 72 percent of the turnover of Rs 31,000 crore we did in the last financial year was through food and FMCG. Only in the commodity sector, the company was 25 to 28 percent this year, but going forward our target will be in the ratio of 80-20. Means our FMCG food will be 80 percent and 20 percent will remain empty commodity. More than 200 crore people are associated with us in 200 countries of the world. We are also expanding the scope of what we export. Currently exporting to 35 to 40 countries. Our aim is not only to make Vocal for Local but also to make Local Global and to establish Patanjali Foods as the best company in Agri Industry. We have a big goal for this company going forward. This company has a turnover plan of 48 to 50 thousand crore rupees for the coming 5 years. Patanjali's plan which is going on now, this year the group turnover of Patanjali will be about 40 thousand crores. In the coming 5 years, we aim to gradually take Patanjali Group towards 1 lakh turnover. With such a great resolve, we have come today to Gopal Krishnan Reddy ji's place at Padapuram in Andhra Pradesh. Some people are under such illusion that we have come to occupy someone's land, there is nothing like that. Some people spread misconceptions like this. We only contact with the farmers and we give them the seeds of palm plants. After the primary and secondary nursery, when these plants grow a little, then the farmer plants it in his field and when the fruits come on this plant, the farmer cannot extract its oil because to extract its oil, a processing unit has to be set up, which A farmer cannot plant. After breaking it, it has to be processed within 24 hours. Its oil has to be extracted. If its oil is not extracted for a fixed time, then its complete mathematics, mechanism of its fatty acids gets completely messed up. Then it is not even edible. That's why its oil has to be extracted within 24 hours. Patanjali Food has taken the work from nursery to its oil extraction. So I want to assure all the farmer brothers that when we do palm plantation, we will provide you the best plant which will give you fruits for 30 to 40 years. We have a huge team to set up a plant for seed raising and take your seed and provide it at the right price and for this, we have a huge team to provide fertilizers, water arrangements. Palm plantation no one in the whole of India has such a trained team as Patanjali Foods has. It is a matter of pride that today Patanjali has capable people, skilled people who have been working for almost 25 years to take this work forward. This is the track record of palm plantation for 25 years, which I myself have come here from Haridwar to make it successful for 100 years. Sanjeev Asthana, CEO of our company, has an important role in this entire action plan. Taking forward the goal of Patanjali Foods, we will launch new products of the entire food business in Delhi.
Expressing gratitude to the media persons, farmer brothers and Pujya Swamiji Maharaj, the CEO of the company Mr. Sanjeev Asthana said that we will tell only two things that the vision of Patanjali Foods has been stabilized on a different scale. It has three points on which work is going on. The first point among these is that in a way the company has to be taken towards FMCG, under which we have four big businesses which are already growing stable. Among these, the business of food business, biscuits, nutraceutical and Nutrela Soya Badi is there. Apart from this, our second focal point, on which a lot of work is going on, is that of oil palm plantation. This will be the biggest agriculture project of its kind in the country which has been taken up by the private sector. Setting up a fertilizer plant is a different matter, but here Patanjali has taken the biggest initiative of building it up on a large scale by connecting directly with the farmers. We are working step by step with the government, the full details of which have been told to you by Pujya Swami Ji Maharaj. In this, we are getting huge support from the central to all the state governments.
After palm plantation, the farmer will get an income of about 40 thousand per hectare even during the dry period. Due to which the farmer will not have to face any problem or difficulty in running his family. This is the biggest project of the whole country after independence, which has been launched by the Central Government and the State Governments are also supporting it. In the new policy that the government has launched, even if the price of oil decreases, the farmers will not be harmed. The prices go up and down in the international market. But the full support of the Central Government is with the farmer brothers. Third is our goal that we have to take a company to new heights. 


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