Giloy a miraculous medicine

Giloy a miraculous medicine

Dr. Anurag Varshney  Vice President-
Patanjali Research Institute

If we talk about adverse drug reactions, how are the effects and side effects of drugs measured? And on the basis of the ratio between them, medicines are classified. We have herbal and ayurvedic medicines. Those whose side effects either do not occur and if they do occur, they are few and far between at a very high level. While their good effects are very good. Many concepts about Giloy were running in the media a long time ago and a small study of six people was also published somewhere, in which it was told that some people consumed Giloy at the time of Kovid, then there was a problem in their liver.
The entire team of Patanjali Research Foundation worked on it in great detail and found out that there were some shortcomings in that study. The conclusions he drew were probably not correct. Because out of those six patients, four patients were already suffering from different diseases. In which it was clear that two people had diabetes type-2, two people had thyroid related disease, one had thalassemia minor and the other two people were also taking different types of medicines since many days. So what we call cause and effect relationship in science means what is the reason for the effect that is coming? That reason was not possible to establish in this study. There were some illusions behind what he was seeing. In the same journal, we published a 'Letter to Editor' within a month and told that maybe that way of judging that study is not right. It was a very well discussed paper where it became clear that Giloy's toxicity does not actually exist.
After this, another such study of Patanjali Research Institute came where it was told that in fact Giloy has many benefits and should move forward focusing on it. After that, when there was a discussion with Pujya Acharya Shri, he said which is the gold standard for any toxicity assessment there are 28 detox studies, why don't we do the same on Giloy study Giloy is such an old medicine and before today no one had thought that there should be a detailed toxicological investigation on this too. Perhaps the idea at that time would have been that it was the safest and most effective medicine, so perhaps there was no need for this type of research. 
Somewhere in modern science, things have to be re-established even if those facts are in front, so in this context, first of all, in the detailed study we did, we gave 1000 mg/kg to rats for twenty-eight days. Kg. Giloy till Which is equal to about five times the human dose. The effect of Giloy was checked on both male and female in different groups and a very comprehensive study was done. In the study we do, first of all we do their phytochemical analysis and see what are the active components inside it and can we take them as signatures?
Just as a person is identified by fingerprints in humans, in the same way there are 'chemical fingerprints' in medicine. The powdered form of the plant can also be identified by its 'chemical finger print'. Thus chemical finger printing has great importance. This time we did chemical finger printing like we do every time in this study and saw that there are two or three big markers inside it which are present in the right amount every time. After that we did a long study on a third party site under Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). This study was done at a remote location and we sent the drug used in coded form. Means the people who were doing this test did not know that they were working on Giloy and in total we used 72 rats in which 36 were male and 36 were female. different types dosing was done and very detailed investigation was done. Normally we focus on around thirty body parts but this time the challenge was a bit different so we went deeper and this time worked on forty four different parts. All the blood functions we measure, clinical diagnostic markers, liver function test, kidney function test, thyroid profile, lipid profile, different hormones, glucose, complete CBC, we did all that on each mouse. And tried to measure what effect Giloy has on the body parts when we use Giloy on them. We gave three different doses in it, 100, 300 and 1000 mg / kg and saw that different effects are not coming from different doses?
It was a very detailed investigation. It took six months only for this work. After that it took almost a month to analyze it because the data was huge. The first parameter in the assessment of toxicology is considered to be weight. We saw that there is no change in the weight of the animals after feeding the medicine for 28 days? Because the first marker is that if their food and drink is bad. Or if they are not able to live properly then their body weight decreases, which we usually see in animals. In Giloy's case, till now even at 1000 mg/kg dose, the weight of any rat was not reduced. Neither death was found in any of the rats nor was there a change in their diet. The normal rats were eating according to their own accord and Giloy did not have any side effects on them. There was no problem with his food.
The study here was done with safety in mind only. We did not cause any disease in these animals. Nor were these rats fat. He didn't even have diabetes. These were completely healthy and normal rats who did not have any problem. After that we studied their effect on vital organs. Our five big important organs which are considered as the basic organs of the body are- brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidney. These five are called Vital Organs.
We studied separately on both male and female in Vital Organs. We gave them doses of 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg Giloy extract. No change was found in any of the vital organs of the normal rats and the treated rats, this was a big deal. because the first report according to her, the use of Giloy was said to damage the function of the liver. 
There is no architectural change in the liver even in such a high dose not found, histopathologically they were identical as were untreated rats.
After that we studied their sex organs. We found no change in testis, epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicles in males and ovaries, oviduct, utes, cervix, vagina, memory glands etc. in females. We also studied on endocrine and exocrine glands.
This time we did a detailed study because we wanted to establish that there is no change or side effect from the use of this medicine. In that detail level study, we observed that no type of change was found in the histopathology of these glands. Then we did histopathological studies on the skin, on the spinal cord, on the sciatic nerve, on the eyes and also on the optic nerve along with the eyes. Along with this, no adverse effects, no side effects, no structural changes were found in both male and female animals, in the trachea where our wind pipe is, which is the tube that carries air to our lungs, and then different- separate organs, the aorta which is a large blood carrying tube that connects directly to the heart, the urinary bladder, the scapular muscles, which are our biceps muscles, the femur bone joint and the sternum which is the largest bone in the chest, We processed and studied all of these bone marrow etc. in different ways and saw that there is no such finding, no matter how small, no adverse effects. In this entire case, we did not find any side effect of Giloy anywhere in both male and female genders. It was found in the study that even after taking high doses of Giloy for 28 days, all of them were safe and this is a big deal. Because in toxicology studies, drinking too much water becomes toxic. Too much water or oxygen becomes toxic, too much ghee becomes toxic, too much nectar acts as poison, and if you eat a little poison, it acts as a medicine. The elements of life are very deep.
Some people complain that when they eat Giloy, they feel a slight burning sensation in their stomach. This time we did histopathology of gut system in detail. Tested from throat to bottom whether ulcer is happening somewhere? Is there any acidity?
After cutting thin potato slices of small intestine, stomach, jejunum, large intestine, ileum, stained them and looked at each tissue separately and we did not find any finding in alimentary canal in both the genders at all the three doses.
Earlier the study we used to do on 30 organs, this time it was done on 44 organs. Everything from top to bottom came in it. From pituitary gland to eyes, ears, brain, liver, kidney, lungs, heart, intestines were taken away. Took eight different parts of the intestines. All the components of bones, bone marrow, blood were taken and along with this, complete diagnostic tests were done which we call bio chemical markers, lipid profile, kidney profile etc. All the functions of the heart, complete blood count, WBC, RBC, their respective components were found correct. Thus it was a large study in which clinical, chemical and hiptopathological markers were investigated on both genders. After that a joint data set was prepared and taken forward and this study has recently been published in the world famous research paper frontier in pharmacology.
This is the first research (finding) of taxological study regarding Giloy, where we told that this drug is completely safe under GLP talks for 28 days.
Its NOEL, which is a technical word, was found to be 100mg/kg, which was our top dose according to this guideline. We have shown that this drug or extract is absolutely safe and preclinically it will be considered comfortable.
This is a big deal. Those who are against Yoga, Yagya, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Sanatan culture, India and Indianness, by misrepresenting our good things, the mantras of our Vedas, the sources of the scriptures, the verses, our cattle, Very wrongly talk about our life values and try to prove them wrong. The sin and unrighteousness they are living by calling that unrighteousness as religion, calling good as bad and bad as good, calling sin as virtue, virtue as sin and conspiring to crush it, many things go on, though Overall, more than 100 complaints have been made against Giloy. In different diseases, what is the effect of corona? What is the effect in asthma? What is its effect on his immunity? What is its effect on obesity? What is its effect on sugar? What is the effect on cancer? Amla, Aloe vera, Giloy, Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric, Godhan, all these are Saptamrit. we have a lot on these have been researched.
When this paper published in frontier in pharmacology was posted on Acharya Shri's Facebook page, many people liked it, many people followed up. Some people also gave their good comments. A gentleman's comment was that you are telling about the toxicology of Giloy, not telling about the effects, what is the benefit of it? Tell that too. It is already in the public domain.
We did a study on Giloy at the time of Kovid, in which we used Coronil as well as Giloy Ghanvati in the zebrafish model and told that the use of Giloy controlled the infection of Kovid virus, its expression and its effect on the body. May go. Humanized Zebra Fish Model is used to show that has been used.
The swim bladder which is filled with air inside zebra fish was converted and used as human lungs. By injecting human lung cells inside it, we made them human xenografted animals and then by injecting the spike protein of sars-cov-2 virus, we created covid-like symptoms in those animals. When those animals were ready, we gave them 3 different doses of Giloy Ghanvati, which were one third of the human relevant dose and 3 times the human relevant dose. We tried to see it in 3 ways and found that whenever we gave this medicine to the animals, whatever functionality they had, whatever disease dependent markers they had, they all started becoming normal. Swelling reduced, inflammatory cells infection reduced and along with that we also got to see that those were the cells that cause inflammation. His concentration changed. We also found that Giloy Ghanvati reduced the fever in zebra fish due to Kovid infection in a dose dependent manner. This was a pharmacological activity and along with it we saw that the animals which had the spike proteins of the Covid virus started dying. About 25-30% of those animals started dying within 10 days. Giloy Ghanvati also did the recovery of those deaths. We also did this study last year in frontier in phamocolgy which was also published. 


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