Classical competition at Patanjali Gurukulam, Devprayag

Classical competition at Patanjali Gurukulam, Devprayag

June 01, Devprayag : With the objective of establishing the dignity of Sanatan values and scriptures, a classical competition was organized at Patanjali Gurukulam Devprayag which was inaugurated by Revered Yoga Rishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj. This competition is held every year. About 184 students from the three Gurukuls Patanjali Gurukulam Haridwar (Boys Campus), Patanjali Gurukulam Haridwar (Girls Campus) and Patanjali Gurukulam Mulla village, Devprayag participated in the programme. The students participated in the recitation of many scriptures like Vedas, Darshan, Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Panchopadesh, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherandaa Samhita and others.
On this occasion, Param Pujya Swami Ramdev ji said that the scriptures are the intellectual heritage of our rich culture, by remembering them the children's conscience gets directly immersed in the penance and wisdom of the sage tradition. He also said that India will emerge as a more powerful nation when these children studying in Gurukul will lead in various fields.
On this occasion, Honorable N.P. Singh ji, Patanjali Vishwavidyalaya's Head of Faculty and Head of the Faculty Sadhvi Devpriya ji and Sadhvi Devmayi ji, Principal of Patanjali Gurukulam Haridwar, Swami Ishdev ji, Principal of Patanjali Haridwar and many saints from Patanjali Yogpeeth were present. 


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