The incessant truth from the eternal subjects of the most revered Yoga-Krishibdev Swami Ji Maharaj….

The incessant truth from the eternal subjects of the most revered Yoga-Krishibdev Swami Ji Maharaj….

Associate With Roots And Elders

   If we remain connected to our cultural roots and to our senior ancestors and sages, then we will never face a sick, sad or poor person in our life. Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Geeta, Ayurveda etc. are the incomparable great heritage of Aryan knowledge, in which the solution to all the problems of our life is embedded. God has given us everything through the knowledge, penance, initiation, virtues and great ideals and personality of our ancestors.
There can be no greater misfortune than that we the sick live as sad, poor and inferior despite doing everything. Therefore, all Indians, the children of Vaishno Prashikrishis or the children of Amrit, should become full of Kauravas, proud, wise, full of devotees, full of men and women and create new records in their respective fields by collectively collecting the Tamastras and establishing big empires in various areas in the world. New ideals and examples should be set before them. I have full confidence that the Katado brothers and sisters in the country will grow up with Pooja and lead the entire world. Our roots are in Yoga, Yagya, Ayurveda, Panchmahaya sixteen crisis, our roots are in fulfilling the best purpose of life with the coordination of Abhyudayanishreya Pravrivnivriti and Apara Pura Vidyas. Engaged in meditation, become a Dhyanayogi
Yogi Karmayogi together with you Dhyanayogi I want you to make it too. You must practice yoga or meditation for at least 5 minutes every day. Meditation is a continuous journey through which we ascend the meaning of our subtle divine consciousness. Omkar meditation, Gayatri meditation, Mahamrityujaydhyana, Sakshi meditation, Gunavi meditation, Self-meditation, Jyotidhyana, meditation of the universal and the beyond Brahma, etc. are such divine disciplines through which our personality naturally This is the matter of divinity, purity and earth. We have to live a free life by becoming free from all the bondages of life along with the earth and the world.
Through meditation, we attain complete health in the body as well as complete divinity in the mind and supernatural powers. Visible life and the world are limited, perhaps only one percent of the existence, the extrasensory existence is limitless and infinite and its power is indescribable. I wish that such a resolution is surging in my heart again and again that everyone should have an encounter with this divine law of God. The visible powers of God are so powerful, we cannot even evaluate them, no matter how powerful the invisible powers are. By the grace of Bhimavan and Gurus, soon some great collection of truths will be revealed on this earth.

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