Eternal Truth emanating from eternal wisdom of respected yoga-guru Swami jee Maharaj....

Eternal Truth emanating from eternal wisdom of respected yoga-guru Swami jee Maharaj....

Choose a big goal 

   In life, the goal, aim, goal, destination, purpose or duty should be kept big or great. To take for petty purposes is disrespect or contempt of life. Have I set a huge soul or purpose in terms of religious, economic, political, social, ideological and global? My goal is to make India the superpower of the world by making my country strong in all directions, for achieving this goal, I have to make 18 hours of great effort and use the meanS earned from it to create a capable, prosperous and cultured India, although this goal is difficult, but it is not impossible for me. May the crores of countrymen who are thinking, may you grow up in this goal and together we all must reach this destination.

Second Stage of Yoga Revolution

At least 1/2 year continuous from the end of February, along with Yoga Ayurveda Swadeshi as well as for the prestige of indigenous medicine in the country. Establishment of Patanjali Wellness and Bharatiya Shiksha Board of Indian Education, in running the national campaign and starting with one goal and affiliate treatment schools in B.S.B. in the country with divine personality, divine character and divine leadership of the youth and other power of the youth. Let us for this purpose, I organize big events in a state with large number of benefits. Yoga in the morning and yoga in the evening are of a big level. One day education, one day music one day dedicated to Sanatan Sanskriti based on collective philosophy and spirituality, explained its full outline in the next issue of Sashwat Pragya.

A call to all the countrymen for the sake of Sanatan Dharma

 I humbly request to all the fellow countrymen  all those who consider themselves to be the children of the wise and respected ancestors like Ramkrishna, Sages and great souls that you must have time to run one or two yoga classes every day, not just because of this work, but for the welfare of the nation and the Sanatan Dharma which will get prestige and you will get eternal virtue and world prosperity.




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