Yoga is the beginning of the era, today is Yoga Day

Yoga is the beginning of the era, today is Yoga Day

Praphulla Chandra Kunwar "Baghi" 

Yoga is the beginning of the era, today is Yoga Day,
With which Patanjali started the Yoga era in the world.
Today is Global Yoga Day- 23rd Plays.
The biggest day of the year has arrived on 21st June. "International Yoga Day" got involved in the world.
Patanjali tightened his back. Organized yoga protocol rehearsal with thousands of successful seekers.
Patanjali Sutra has changed human society.
The one who wins the hearts of the people wears the crown. 2
Swamiji appealed to the people on this occasion. "Let yoga bring life, make the world feel good."
"A yogi is never sick, adopt yoga." "Get out of the house, celebrate Yoga Day".
Patanjali's son from whom the world is the kingdom of Yoga. That Patanjali has changed the mood of Manuj.  
New International Yoga Day celebrated in India in the vast grounds of Patanjali Yogpeeth-II. Brahmacharis of Gurukulam, brothers from all walks of life Rishi got Yoga done.
Yoga is the cure for every disease of the body.
That Patanjali has changed Manuj's mood.
Vice Chancellor, University Swami Ramdev ji celebrated the great festival Vice Chancellor Acharyashree.
Millions of seekers joined the channel, Facebook Live.
Religion-creed-pant-community should not become an obstacle. Yoga protocol prescribed by Ayush.
Rishi guided Yogasana continued since morning.
Yoga is the cure for every disease of the country.
This Patanjali has changed the mood of Manuj.
Gave the message of positive patience to the people.
Instilled the feeling of "indigenous self-respect".
"Continuous yoga practice is the time for rejuvenation. 'Yogayurveda's method is human benefit, glory.
Both are always beyond the distinction of caste, religion, country.
Swadeshi to self-respect, Patanjal's goals are bigger."
There is pride in the present, there is also pride in the past.
This Patanjali has changed the mood of Manuj.
"Patanjali Jyotiman in the field of Yoga Ayurveda. Aharnish Yograt is making a record.
Senior officers of participating university, brothers and sisters of Gurukul, in charge of self-respect. India has become Sartaj due to Patanjali's yoga.
This Patanjali has changed the mood of man. 1811 Yoga has every power, everyone has style. Celebrating Global Yoga Day That is today.


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